Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2nd Sond'Ar-te Composition Competition 2009, Portugal

2nd Sond'Ar-te Composition Competition 2009, Portugal
Deadline: 30 April 2009

Open to all composers for works composed since 2001. Works for the full ensemble of 5 instruments: flute, clarinet in Bb, violin, cello, piano with tape or with live-electronics mandatory. The works submitted may include a max of eight channels loudspeaker system and can use the following audio sequencers: Ardour, Digital Performer, ProTools, Logic Pro; duration between 7-20 mins. Prize: performance and recording. Entry fee: €35.

Email: concurso@misomusic.com
Web: www.misomusic.com/ingl/crea/comcomp/2009.html

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